Shielding stainless steel gauze (mesh) V4A03 for flexible application inside and outside. The shielding fabric is corrosion resistant and insensitive to heat. With this shielding fabric against electrosmog HF + LF the highly effective radiation protection against electrosmog is possible. Shielding efficiency 99.999% (50dB). Width 90cm. Effective against 5G!
This V4A03 stainless steel mesh is an extremely-finely woven and corrosion-resistant stainless steel mesh. It can be effectively installed to shield against electrosmogElectrosmog is a colloquial term for all emissions from electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields. More from radio (HF) and alternating fields from the power supply, for example (LF).
Compared to the V4A10 stainless steel mesh, the attenuation drops less drastically at higher frequencies from 2.4 GHz. This impressive result is possible thanks to V4A03’s considerably lower mesh size. The V4A03 stainless steel gauze is considered to be a base shieldingShielding is the protection from the effects of external fault zones and environmental influences (on a person's health most of the time). More mesh. Both layers of EMF shielding have their own uses, it depends on where you use it.
The shielding V4A03 stainless steel mesh also impresses with its resistance to corrosion. It is simply great in house construction for shielding the entire building, even near the coast and salt water. Importantly, the V4A03 stainless steel mesh is very resistant to water, steam, humidity, weak acids and salty seawater on the coast.

Typical use of the V4A03 stainless steel gauze
Inside and outside under the render in insulation, in the ceiling, in timber construction, dry construction, loose laying, and many more. Like the V4A10, the V4A03 stainless steel mesh is a suitable fly screen against mosquitoes among others with its 0.3 mm mesh.
V4A03 stainless steel gauze technical information
- Width: 90 cm
- Length: by the meter / 25 m roll
- Shielding attentuation: 55 dB.The specified dB values apply at 1 GHz. Measurement from 40/600 MHz to 40 GHz according to standards ASTM D4935-10 or IEEE Std 299-2006.
- Grammage: 200 g/m²
- Mesh thickness / mesh density: 0.3 mm
- Wire diameter: 0.08 mm
- Material thickness: 0.16 mm
- Open area: 54 %
- Surface conductivity: 0.03 ohms (square resistor)
- Fire-proof material, A1 according DIN 4102:1994.

Processing the V4A03 stainless steel mesh against electrosmog
When working under a render, this V4A03 stainless steel mesh should be stuck with the finest organic filler (without fillings) possible. When working under flooring (laminate, parquet, PVC, etc.), V4A03 is stuck on with the adhesive. In dry construction and ceilings, the tracks fasten or can be stuck on as required.
The following always applies: the tracks overlap for 5 cm.
For groundingGrounding is an electrically conductive connection with the electric potential of the ground. More, our stainless steel tape is put on across all of the tracks and stuck to the substrate/tracks.
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