Shielding is the protection from the effects of external fault zones and environmental influences (on a person’s health most of the time).
Below are the most frequently asked questions about shielding:
Shielding is the protection from the effects of external fault zones and environmental influences (on a person’s health most of the time).
Regarding natural and electromagnetic radiation, it is worth distinguishing technical (physical) and esoteric (spiritual) shielding. Unlike physical shielding technology, esoteric shielding cannot be proven and can only be “felt”.
Shielding in building biology and in practice
PROnatur24 works on shielding with technical shielding materials for radiation protection. ElectrosmogElectrosmog is a colloquial term for all emissions from electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields. More caused by electromagnetic radiation is attenuated by mains disconnectors, shielding paint, shielding mesh and shielding fabric (Faraday cageThe faraday cage is an enclosure made out of a conductive material that acts as an electric shield. More). You can get protection in a room from natural fault zones caused by galvanic procedures in the ground (water veinsWater veins are essential for providing the ground and plant world with nutrients. Simply put, without water veins, we would not have any vegetation (see deserts). More, gridsGrids of energy-filled lines that encompass our Earth like longitudes and latitudes. More, faultsA fault is a tear or fracture in rocks that moves two rocks or crusts by distances of a few centimeters to a few dozen or even a hundred kilometers. More, and breaks) with technical interferenceInterference describes the superposition of two or more waves based on the principle of superposition - therefore the addition of their individual amplitudes. More from oscillating circuits in radiation mats.
All of the shielding technology used by PROnatur24 can be checked by clients/patients themselves at any time.
Types of radiation on PROnatur24