An effective cookbook is exactly what the spiral-bound WIRK COOKBOOK is. Nowadays, the WIRK cookbook is almost out of stock and a reprint – even though it is still so requested – is doubtful. We have been very committed and tried to acquire the remaining WIRK cookbooks, and now they are available for you on PROnatur24. While stocks last and only available in a SET.
WIRK cookbook with omega-3 and alkaline concentrate in a box!
We equip these last available copies a great supplement for your personal diet. In addition to the WIRK COOKBOOK, you will receive two high-quality food supplements for your daily nutrition. With this SET, you will receive your personal health packet for your everyday life, including the WIRK COOKBOOK by PROnatur24.
The food supplements contained in this WIRK COOKBOOK SET are:
WIRK COOKBOOK: Appropriate diet – what does this mean for us?
A special kind of cookbook
The WIRK cookbook is a special kind of cookbook. With its recipes and the food lists presented, it can be used as a collection of ideas to create new recipes or to simply try out yourself.
A health book for body, mind, and soul
The contents of the book aim for healthy maintenance of the whole human organisms, of the body and mind.
The proof is also delivered
All of these physiological and nutritional contents are not inventions or strictly protected property of a few scientists. It was researched and published by many people, collected in this book and everyone benefits from it, from the layman to the expert.
“What people eat is not necessarily food for people!”
More and more people their daily diet and environment as the causes for their health problems. Miracle diets and conventional medicine barely offer a cause-oriented solution for chronic suffering. The power of human-oriented nutrition lies here because it impacts several causal levels, such as the metabolism and behavior. The reader expects a book full of recipe ideas and health tips, but it offers so much more, namely strategies to successfully work on your own health and performance.
The WIRK cookbook informs you on appropriate diet, physiological principles and lifestyle factors that influence your health daily.
The newest scientific results are turned into everyday recipes, tasks, and information for you. Over 70 recipes are adjusted to specific metabolic processes. 13 universal physiological mechanisms shed light on how the body works and show how you can effectively make an impact.
- Simple, tasty and effective recipes
- Understandable scientific explanations
- Human-oriented healthy cooking for everyone: from infants to seniors, for healthy and ill people, amateur cooks, athletes, laymen, and health experts.
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