SHIELDINGShielding is the protection from the effects of external fault zones and environmental influences (on a person's health most of the time). More FLOOR MAT. Radiation protection against electrosmogElectrosmog is a colloquial term for all emissions from electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields. More by RF radiation HF up to 41dB. Effective against LTE, WIFI, DECT, etc. GroundingGrounding is an electrically conductive connection with the electric potential of the ground. More of electric fields LF possible. Effective against 5G!
For the maximum effect of a faraday cageThe faraday cage is an enclosure made out of a conductive material that acts as an electric shield. More, all six sides must be shielded. This applies equally to shielding products such as the shielding canopy and means the bottom side. The shielding floor carpet pad is made of the shielding material STEEL TWIN with excellent properties for our building biology requirements for the floor. STEEL TWIN has an EMF efficiency of over 99.99% with a shielding effectiveness of 41 dB and combines this with robustness.
Our floor carpet pad is insensitive to mechanical pressure, i.e. walking on it or placing a bed on it is possible without any problems. Furthermore, the stainless steel threads interwoven in the shielding material are not insulated and thus electrically contactable. Therefore this floor carpet pad is groundable and can shield electrical fields from grounded cables or the ceiling lighting of the apartment under the bedroom.
The floor carpet pad is laid out on the floor so that the grey side (stainless steel threads) is facing down. The white side of the floor carpet pad is visible, i.e. points upwards towards the ceiling. When used in combination with a canopy, the bed is placed on the floor carpet pad and the canopy is suspended so that it touches the floor carpet pad on all sides, thus creating a closed room.

Width: 140cm | length:240 cm
1 floor mat with 2 grounding connections
A grounding plate is necessary for grounding.

Width: 270cm | length: 240cm
2 floor mat with 4 grounding connections
Both floor mats must be connected by means of a grounding cable. Two grounding plates are necessary for grounding.

Width: 200cm | length: 250cm
1 floor mat with 4 grounding connections
The right and left side of the floor mat must be connected by means of a grounding cable. Two grounding plates are necessary for grounding.
Details of the shielding floor mat HF + LF
- Shielding attenuation: up to 41dB
- Dimensions depending on model
- With sewn-on velcro surfaces for grounding by means of grounding plate.
- Application: Canopy, bed
- Field type: LF (low frequencyFrequency is the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time. It is a physical measurement that is important for describing periodic processes, such as vibrations. More), HF (high frequency)
- Ecology: Normal
- Color: White, Grey
Shielding of the floor mat and grounding mat
The indicated dB values apply at 1 GHz, other frequencies see diagram. Expert opinion from 40/600 MHz to 40 GHz according to standards ASTM D4935-10 or IEEE Std 299-2006
Grounding of the floor mat
This product can be grounded with the Velcro grounding plate to shield alternating electric fields (LF). The ground plate is laid out with the grey, electrically contactable side facing down – conductive Velcro contact points are incorporated on this side. The accessories required for grounding are not included; the grounding plate, grounding cable and grounding plug are required.
Fabric care of the floor mat
Washing gently at 30°C, Ironing without steam at level 1, Drying at low temperature, No bleaching, No dry cleaning.
HowTo for the application of the floor mat in practice
If the floor underlay is laid under a carpet, we recommend taking the slightly thicker hemmed edges of the floor underlay into account. It could be that these are too thick for a carpet – just try them out. When used with a canopy, this loss of direct connection between canopy and floor underlay will weaken the RF shielding against mobile phone radiation, WIFI, etc. In this case, we expressly recommend that you carry out subsequent measurements with suitable measuring instruments for checking purposes.
A shielding floor underlay can also make sense without a canopy. However, in such a case, a before and after measurement is absolutely necessary. This floor underlay can be useful if the electrosmog load comes from only one direction – i.e. the EMF radiation is directed. For example, if the neighbour lives under his own flat and the WIFI router, LTE cube or smartphone is located directly under his bedroom, his own bed can be placed on our floor underlay. The radio radiation hitting the floor underlay from underneath is thus reflected back to the neighbour and thus strongly attenuated. The result is a reduction of the own radiation exposure, an increase of the radio-electrosmog for this neighbour and also an increase of the WIFI coverage quality for this neighbour (could bring joy!). If the floor underlay is earthed, a further additional effect is added. The reduction of the electrical alternating fields NF by the lighting technology of this neighbour on his ceiling in this “radiant” room. The range of an alternating electric field from electric cables is up to 2 metres – this also applies to electric cables laid in the neighbour’s ceiling to the ceiling lamp (his ceiling is also his own floor).
Austausch mit Bodenabschirmung
Easy to set up
Als Ergänzung zum Baldachin im Mehrfamilienhaus nach meiner Einschätzung absolut notwendig! Hält, was sie verspricht! 🙂
absolut notwendig!
Ungeeignet für auf dem Boden, habe den Schutz an der Unterseite des Bettes befestigt