Watt (W) is the unit of power that it used to determine output
Below are the most frequently asked questions about watt:
Watt (W) is the unit of power that it used to determine output
The consumer always deals with watts when it comes to the maximum power consumption of an electric appliance, or when the energy bill from the energy provider comes with the consumption in kilowatt hours (kWh).
The transmission output of radio devices (cell phone, DECT, mobile Internet, WLAN) is also expressed in watts in relation to the strength of electromagnetic radiation. Because the electromagnetic vibrationA vibration (also oscillation) is described as a measure that repeats after a determined time interval. More can cause very light damage to the body, the law has imposed limits in order to protect the user. However, as practice has proven, these limits are way too high and are also “recalculated” by the mobile communications industry by using the average transmission output per room. The top limit recommended by the WHO is currently (2012-11) at 2 watts of transmission power (2 W/kg SAR).
Watt in building biology and in practice

The watts of transmission power make the big difference in the burden on the body caused by high-frequency electromagnetic fields (electrosmogElectrosmog is a colloquial term for all emissions from electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields. More). Contrary to tension fields from the current, radio cannot be grounded because this technology is based on reflection. The added difficulty lies in the fact that more powerful technology keeps coming out, which allow quicker and quicker speeds on the mobile network (in the next few years, it will probably be quicker than cable links on copper). This speed is made possible partly by higher data density, but the watt transmission power of the mobile radio transmitter often has to be “revved up”.
The stronger (watt) and higher (frequencyFrequency is the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time. It is a physical measurement that is important for describing periodic processes, such as vibrations. More) the electromagnetic radiation becomes, the harder it becomes to attenuate (shieldingShielding is the protection from the effects of external fault zones and environmental influences (on a person's health most of the time). More). Our shielding materials offers high possible shielding with paint, which also acts as a Faraday cageThe faraday cage is an enclosure made out of a conductive material that acts as an electric shield. More to protect from tension fields. It is also possible to use shielding mesh and shielding fabric for effective shielding, even though they are not as effective as shielding paint.
Important: No active cell phones should be used in a shielded room because the shielding makes the cell phone operate at full capacity to reach the transmission mast again. WLAN for laptops and tablets should not be installed or used either.
Watt and high-frequency explained on PROnatur24