ALL-IN-ONE SHAMPOO lice free. An effective shampoo for the prevention of lice and nits. Tip: Effective as an outdoor whole body shampoo against ticks! Protection against lice infestation with the power of essential oils.
Our sunscreen was the start in the most natural body care possible. With this HAIR SHAMPOO lice free from our high-quality and ecological sustainable body care, we now take the next step. With this particular shampoo, however, in a slightly different direction – as a preventive measure against head lice. The slogan for our efforts for this special series is “natural, just healthy.” Our new body care series is intended to set a lasting example. A clear YES in support of human health and a clear YES to the environment, which must not be burdened by the product. In addition to the ingredients, especially the packaging, a special emphasis is placed on this.
- natural effective ingredient
- essential oil
- packaging from renewable raw material and ideally from a composite material
HAIR SHAMPOO lice free by PROnatur24®
Openly and honestly pronounced – virtually every one of us has ever made acquaintance with head lice. For most of us it’s an emotionally embarrassing topic that is not talked about. A big mistake because the lice infestation has nothing to do with hygiene and cleanliness. Whether washed or unwashed head and hair, the louse just feels comfortable on every head. The transfer from head to head happens mainly through direct contact, which is why the head lice in kindergartens and also schools is much more often found. As soon as kindergartens and schools are in full operation again after the big holidays, the first caregivers, teachers or parents will sound the alarm: head lice! A “game” that repeats itself every year.
From the complaints: What does the louse on the head?
Head lice are parasitic insects that affect only humans. Their habitat is the hairy head. Near the root, the females stick their eggs to hair, from the scalp they suck blood several times a day as food. For this they scratch the skin and inject saliva into the micro-small wound, which dilutes the blood. In contrast, the immune system defends itself and this defense reaction triggers the itching. If you let the louse eat in peace, it could live up to 30 days. Outside the head, for example in caps or on pillows, the lice die in one to two days.
From the fight against head lice!
A female louse can lay up to 10 nits (eggs) per day, which attaches or sticks to the hair roots. Therefore, nits can only be removed with a special comb. If the lice infestation has passed through this stubborn head housing, usually only helps to grip the chemical bomb with the head washed and then combed with the special lice comb. Anyone with children will confirm that this is not a pleasant procedure.
Our HAIR SHAMPOO lice free is characterized by special skin friendliness, is particularly easily biodegradable and 100% of natural origin. The pure natural essential oils citronella, eucalyptus citriodora, geranium, lemongrass, patchouli, tea tree and neem tree displace lice and other insects, have an analgesic effect, which provides great relief for itching.
The HAIR SHAMPOO lice free should be used regularly preventively. In particular, of course, when “lice alarm” prevails in kindergarten and school.
NOTE: Hair shampoo lice free against ticks!
Also effective against ticks! However, you must shower and bath with the louse-free shampoo at frequent intervals.
GREEN PE. The packaging was an essential factor for us!
Hours of telephone conferences, days of clarification, many cancellations due to low quantities and material tests in the laboratory after suitability of the packaging for the storage of shampoo filling kept us really on the go. But it was definitely worth it – we are overjoyed to have found a “green acting” packaging partner who shares with us the love of the environment as well as commitment to sensational products.
The dispenser bottle material from the HAIR & BODY SHAMPOO rosemary is referred to as Green PE ie. is made of bio-based plastic. The starting material consists entirely of sustainably produced sugar cane. Since vegetable origin, we speak of an environmentally friendly, renewable resource.
Recycling the green PE packaging and the jaw with the bioplastic
Our packaging must be disposed of like any standard plastic bottle and is complete, ie. 100% recyclable. The entire packaging including lid is a single composite which makes recycling even easier and much more energy efficient. The exception is the metering pump (if this variant was ordered). Please do not dispose of them but reuse them with the next dispenser surface.
Now on the subject of bioplastics: the end user does not know better or simply believes in advertising. “This packaging is compostable!”, This sounds sensational at first. Just on the compost with it! But what is in the rules for bioplastics, in the details? This means that, for example, 90% of the packaging must be rotted after 3 months under industrial conditions. We ask ourselves: OK, and what about the rest? How long may the remaining 10% of the time take? Now, according to our latest knowledge, there is no regulation. And … next thought … is meant by “industrial conditions” actually the domestic compost? Does the end user here not somehow believe in deceptive security and, under false knowledge, again produce plastic pollution in the compost and finally the soil (microplastics)?
And then there’s another important topic. How does the packaging know when to start these 3 months? What if the product has been on the shelf for 6 weeks before it reaches the household in the supermarket? Does not it need 2 data on the packaging in the future? Shelf life of the packaging and shelf life of the contents.
This topic of bioplastics is definitely not easy and therefore we have chosen Green PE, the environmentally friendly packaging of the packaging corresponds to the maximum technologically and ecologically possible for our HAIR & BODY SHAMPOO rosemary.
natural. just healthy.
PROnatur24 stands for the protection of health. And we stand by our name for the ecologically sustainable handling of our environment – PRO NATUR 24/7. Whereas our active work has so far focused on the protection of healthy sleep, we carry out our “natural .just healthy.” Body care line. the next step to actively support healthy everyday life.
PROnatur24 body care can positively influence personal well-being. Our products are 100% free of MLM, network marketing and any structural distribution – with warranty!