GIGAHERTZ describes the main functions of the ultima 8 Time demand switch as follows:
A patented switch can reliably decouple stand-by appliances.
- Also suitable for circuits with refrigerators or waterbeds
- Every hour, it will check if needs to be cooled or heated and, if necessary, provide power or decouple the circuit.
- For particular installation conditions: transformers, chargers or stand-by appliances. Up to 100 watts of stand-by consumption can be switched off with this.
- Controls many critical consumers – even if no base loads were installed.
- Unmatched biological parameters for construction.
- Active compensation or discharge of LF and HF cross-couplings
- LED-supported function diagnosis
- The detachable apparent output goes up to 100 W.
- Ideal for shutter controls which are not meant to be decoupled with conventional mains decouplers.
- Only 230 mV monitoring voltage – the lowest on the market.
- Capacity of 16 A.
- Can be manually controlled.
Please note when installing in the fuse box: the adjustment options make a lot of things possible, but more work and “thought” need to go into the operation.
That is how the GIGAHERTZ ultima 8 Time demand switch works
The line supply produces magnetic and electric alternating fields. While the magnetic fields “disappear” when the consumer is switched off, the electric fields remain in the whole power supply system. This is where the mains decoupler comes in: it is installed into the fuse box and automatically separates the circuit it is intended for from the network as soon as the last consumer is switched off. As soon as a consumer is turned back on, the mains decoupler recognizes this and automatically turns the supply voltage back on without any delay. You do not notice the mains decoupler in day-to-day life.
» Download the ultima 8 / ultima 8 Time mains disconnector manual (.pdf)
x21 mains filter for dirty electricity – this mains decoupler’s feature

Installing the provided x21 mains filter with the demand switch strongly lowers the stress caused by dirty electricity.
- The mains filter dampens voltage peaks from the power supply (“dirty power”), improves the EMV properties of mains decouplers and increases their switch stability.
- This is an additional measure to improve the quality of the network through the circuit being protected by the mains decoupler, which is effective regardless of the make and switch status of the mains decoupler.
Normally, you would need many individual plugs, one per socket. However, by installing the filter to the demand switch, the whole connected circuit is filtered. A reduction to under 50 GS makes a difference, but getting to under 25 GS units is ideal.

Demand switches, energy-saving lamps and LED – a problem with the base load!
Do not be surprised if the energy-saving lamps and LED lights do not switch on anymore if a demand switch has been installed. The reason for this is that the low amount of current that is needed to “ignite” the energy-saving lamps and LEDs. The demand switch alone will often not recognized them being switched on and the room stays dark as a result. It is therefore necessary for the mains decoupler to help out.
Therefore, a base load component is automatically attached to the demand switch to increase the base resistance. This ensures that the process of the lamp gets enough current for the demand switch to recognize it. The demand switch recognizes LEDs of at least 4 watts normally without any additional base load resistors. This base load resistor is compatible with all commercial demand switches.
Power consumption is not increased by the load resistor. There are no temperature problems because the load resistor only becomes warm to the touch for a few seconds (during the switch-on process).
One load resistor is needed per power switch/breaker as long as it is not directly installed to the consumer.
» Additional base load resistors for more switches or already-installed demand switches

LED control lights to easily check the mains disconnector
The provided LED control light helps you comfortably check that things are switched off in the room. This stays plugged in a visible for the whole day. If the LED lights up, the mains decoupler has switched the circuit off. If the “Light OFF” display still shows, a permanent consumer on the same circuit is stopping it from switching off.
» Additional LED control lights for already installed demand switches
The ultima 8 Time’s range of functions/equipment
Capacity of 16 A, thumb wheels for switch sensitivity and shut-off threshold, pressure switch for higher shut-off thresholds (100 VA), “Ready”, “On the network”, and “Decoupled” LED displays, pressure switch for manual operation, system control lights for the socket, instructions and product information.
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