Selected herbal mixture made from tomato and basil, a joy for your palate!
However, for delicious Italian food, two things are needed for fine palates, at least for pasta. Excellent pasta, such as Feist spelt pasta and the second thing is a matching taste and, for an indescribable culinary experience, THE PESTO.
Tomato and basil for a delicious pesto
You are ALWAYS making the right choice with this tomato and basil herbal mixture. Whether it’s for quick cooking or to support a delicious menu, you will be amazed. With this herbal mixture, the desired tomato and basil pasta sauce will always be achieved because preparing it is simple.
Simple preparation for a tomato and basil pesto
- Put two tablespoons of herbal mixture, four tablespoons of water, and four tablespoons of olive oil in a pan.
- Let the mixture simmer until the water has evaporated.
- Add approx. 250 grams of cooked pasta and mix well.
- Refine with pine nuts and parmesan if you want.
PURE nature in the tomato + basil herbal mixture!
Tomato, basil, onions and garlic – you will not find anything else in this 75-gram herbal mixture!
- Gluten-free
- NO flavor enhancers
- NO glutamate
- NO additives
- NO preservatives
A lot of pleasure and success with this recommendation by Susanne Feist, a select herbal mixture made from tomato and basil. A very delicious dream team!
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