PROnatur24 product categories

Here, you will find an overview of the many product ranges on the online shop. We hope that you enjoy browsing and clicking!


Radiation protection

Protection from technical radiation and natural environmental influences is the central theme of PROnatur24. Based on geobiological assessments, we have effecive technology for restoring refreshing sleep and the foundation for good health as a result.


Healthy living

“Do something good for your body so your soul wants to live in it.” – Teresa von Ávila. These words are more true than ever. Our modern time demands a lot from our body, environmental pollution is increasing drastically. Completed by pressure to performlack of movement, and bad nutrition. It is time to do good for our body again!


Leisure & nature

A fulfilled and healthy life ideally uses all of the senses. Here, you will find ideas and special products for all areas of life. Whether it’s skid-proof shoes on snow and ice, low-radiation baby monitors, healthy food for our beloved pets, fascination for nature or textbooks. Each click is interesting and fascinating!


Further education

Educating ourselves or, more generally, collecting new experiences, is the aim of our life. We learn for the future with and from the past. We recommend training and seminars around holistic health. We wish all participants great success, but above all, countless eye-opening moments!